Let’s Make Public Childcare an Election Issue

Tell political party leaders that your vote depends on their action on childcare

Step One Draft your message

Party Leaders


Our childcare system is broken. Too many children are left without a quality place in our current system, and too many women are forced to make difficult choices about their lives to make up for it.

With an election around the corner, now is your chance to tell political party leaders that your vote depends on what they do about childcare.

Tell them you want to see a public system of early education and care that guarantees a place for #EveryChild.

It’s high time for an Ireland where women – and all parents – can participate fully in society. 

An Ireland where early years educators have decent wages and working conditions.

An Ireland where every child is guaranteed early education and care, no matter where they live, what their needs are, or what their parents can afford.

It only takes 2 minutes!

Fill out the form below, email political party leaders and help make public childcare an election issue!

Your Details

Fields marked with an asterisk * must be completed.

Keep me posted on your campaigning and what I can do:

National Women’s Council of Ireland will send you periodic updates and action alerts by email. We will do our best to respect your time and interest. You can remove yourself from the mailing list at any time by using the link at the bottom of emails we send you. We will not give your email address to anybody else.

Your Message

You can personalise the email subject and text.

Dear (each representative will get a separate, personalised email),

Yours sincerely